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The supra-local development strategy is an integrated document combining social, economic, and spatial aspects. This comprehensive document aims to ensure spatial coordination of actions planned in line with sustainable development and spatial order within the area of supra-local cooperation. This tool was created for neighboring municipalities that are functionally connected, share common, complementary, or interdependent development goals, and wish to jointly implement development policies within their territories.

Therefore, the supra-local development strategy is intended to serve as the primary tool for managing the development of the Lublin Metropolitan Area.

The strategy aims at enabling the joint planning of development activities across multiple municipalities that are functionally interconnected. This is particularly crucial in the context of investment planning. It also provides a solid foundation for individual municipalities to make decisions regarding the methods and scope of delivering selected public services to local communities. A supra-local development strategy prepared by several municipalities can therefore bring tangible benefits to all stakeholders.

The Supra-Local Development Strategy
for the Lublin Metropolitan Area Until 2030

The concept of developing the Supra-Local Development Strategy for the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA) until 2030 was positively received by LMA Partners as early as 2021, demonstrating their commitment to the creation of the document over subsequent years. The openness of all local governments further underscores the strong collaboration within the partnership, forming a solid foundation for continued cooperation in the years to come.

Preparing a supra-local strategy for the entire metropolitan area was a significant challenge. Ultimately, a document was developed that provides a comprehensive plan for leveraging the area’s potentials and overcoming existing challenges through targeted actions, including integrated and partnership-based projects. The strategy document thus serves as a robust foundation for the integrated development of the Lublin Metropolitan Area. The involvement of local governments, social partners (including businesses and NGOs), and residents from the outset—through a series of public consultations—enabled the creation of a strategy that addresses the needs and expectations of the community.

The strategic and operational goals align with the Diagnosis of the Social, Economic, and Spatial Situation of the Lublin Metropolitan Area. The identified needs and challenges require intervention in the coming years. Specific actions within the outlined focus areas aim to increase the concentration of regional policy on the territorial potentials of the metropolitan area. These efforts will enhance the coordination of the development policy pursued within the Lublin Metropolitan Area.

The Supra-Local Development Strategy for the Lublin Metropolitan Area until 2030 also aims at ensuring the continuity of the collaboration initiated in 2013 under the Lublin Functional Area framework and the Integrated Territorial Investment Strategy. Integrated actions taken to date in areas such as digitization, biodiversity protection, mobility, and revitalization have improved the social, economic, and spatial situation of the region. However, given the increased number of municipalities in the partnership and growing needs, the need for continuing integrated interventions within the Lublin Metropolitan Area is essential.

Development Vision

A long-term, strategic development vision is a crucial element of any strategy. For the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA), it represents the desired state by the end of the EU financial framework, which coincides with the conclusion of this document’s implementation period. This vision outlines the expected directions of change resulting from the strategy’s execution. It is shaped by factors related to LMA’s geographic location and general development trends—both global (e.g., demographic, climate, and technological trends) and specific to the region. The vision encompasses social, economic, and spatial dimensions. Based on the diagnostic process and verification of the expectations of the local government units within LMA, the following development vision has been formulated:

By 2030, the Lublin Metropolitan Area will be a strong, competitive functional hub with a significant emphasis on culture, cultural heritage, and natural assets. It will be a tourist-attractive area with high-quality public spaces. Transportation accessibility will be advanced, and the internal communication system will offer an integrated solution for residents, ensuring equal access to high-quality services, social infrastructure, and modern education. The natural environment will be clean and well-protected, and the metropolitan area will be prepared for potential challenges arising from climate change.

Strategic Goals
and Development Priorities

The second level of detail in implementing the strategy involves the strategic goals. Four primary goals have been identified, reflecting the priority areas of cooperation for the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA). These goals are designed to realize the vision established in the strategy. Their formulation was based on a SWOT analysis and represents future objectives to be achieved.

The guiding principle in defining these goals was clarity and transparency, ensuring they align unequivocally with the development vision. Moreover, consistent with the SMART methodology, the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Each strategic goal also aligns with the priorities and specific objectives outlined in the European Funds for Lublin 2021-2027 program.

The strategic goals are further specified through development priorities, which act as operational goals. These priorities focus on implementing specific actions, tasks, and initiatives to achieve the vision. They effectively translate strategic goals into actionable directions and integrate them with planned activities.

The strategic goals and their corresponding priorities have been formulated with an integrated approach, addressing the Lublin Metropolitan Area as a whole. This holistic approach aims to resolve common issues faced by LMA’s local government units (LGUs) while leveraging their collective potentials.

The integrated nature of the goals is also reflected in their mutual complementarity. Together, they form a cohesive package designed to achieve the envisioned developmental outcomes. This comprehensive framework ensures synergy in addressing challenges and fostering growth across the metropolitan area.

Strategic Goal 1:
Strengthening the Role of Culture, Cultural Heritage, and Natural Heritage in the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA).


1.1. Enhancing the Role of Culture and Cultural Heritage
1.2. Leveraging the Potential of Natural Heritage
1.3. Developing Sustainable Tourism
1.4. The Social and Spatial Revitalization of Degraded Areas


Strategic Goal 2:
Improving Equal Access to High-Quality Education and Social Services in the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA).


2.1. Enhancing Access to Social Policy Services
2.2. Supporting Actions for Excluded or Marginalized Groups
2.3. Improving Access to Educational Infrastructure
2.4. Enhancing the Quality of Educational Offerings
2.5. Implementing Digital Solutions in the Public Sector


Strategic Goal 3:
The Development and Strengthening of Sustainable Mobility in the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA).


3.1. The Development of Zero- and Low-Emission Transportation Systems
3.2. The Development of Pedestrian and Bicycle Infrastructure
3.3. The Improvement of Road Infrastructure
3.4. Support for the Digitalization of Transportation Systems


Strategic Goal 4:
Adapting the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA) to Climate Change and Improving the State of the Natural Environment


4.1. Increasing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Developing Blue-Green Infrastructure
4.2. Supporting Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management
4.3. Protecting Biodiversity
4.4. Supporting Sustainable Waste Management, Including the Development of a Circular Economy
4.5. Increasing the Use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES)


To summarize, it should be noted that the strategic development goals have been defined in social, economic, and spatial dimensions. These are long-term objectives to be achieved (as a result of) through implementing the provisions of the strategy. Development priorities, on the other hand, serve as specific goals planned for the medium term. Both the goals and priorities have been defined thematically and territorially. The presented structure forms a logically connected, coherent system. The implementation of actions will contribute to achieving the individual Development Priorities, which, in turn, should align with the attainment of higher-level objectives, namely Strategic Goals. By primarily executing integrated actions that address the needs of LOM residents across multiple priorities and goals, it is possible to achieve a synergy effect, which will have a positive impact on the development of the area.

