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The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is a strategic document aimed at improving the quality of mobility and accessibility to public transport, while addressing climate and energy challenges. The SUMP for the Lublin Metropolitan Area (LMA) is an action plan targeting local government units within LMA, with the goal of promoting sustainable travel methods in a region still predominantly reliant on car travel.

In LMA, mobility should focus on comfortable public transportation and a well-organised network of pedestrian and cycling routes. Movement within the metropolitan area must be safe and accessible for everyone. The aim is to achieve zero-emission mobility and maximize the use of renewable energy sources in transportation, while planning initiatives through collaboration between local governments and residents. This framework underpins the vision of LMA’s SUMP, which is:

By 2030, the transportation system of the Lublin Metropolitan Area is sustainable, accessible to everyone, and integrated. It ensures the safety of its users while preserving the natural heritage of the LMA.

This vision will be realized through achieving the sustainable mobility goals for the Lublin Metropolitan Area.

The following two horizontal objectives have been adopted:

Horizontal Objective I:
Minimizing the environmental impact of transportation.


Horizontal Objective II:
Improving road safety for all users.


These objectives lead to seven operational goals, which are as follows:

Operational Goal 1:
Spatial planning focused on public transport and active mobility.


Operational Goal 2:
Active mobility as the primary means for short-distance travel.


Operational Goal 3:
Development of a cohesive public transport system.


Operational Goal 4:
Optimal use of private cars.


Operational Goal 5:
Development of urban logistics.


Operational Goal 6:
Increasing acceptance for the implementation of sustainable mobility.


Operational Goal 7:
Development of structures supporting sustainable mobility.


The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) is a key strategic document for the Lublin Metropolitan Area Association (LMAA) and its members. It is one of the documents required by the European Union to apply for EU funding in the 2021–2027 financial perspective for transport and mobility projects in regional capital cities and their functional areas.

To prepare the document, the professional company TRAKO Projekty Transportowe was contracted. Their work was supported by experts from the Center for EU Transport Projects and a consortium of companies: International Management Services Sp. z o.o. and Wolański Sp. z o.o.

The significance of this document is also reflected in the comprehensive diagnosis and analysis of residents’ transport needs that preceded its creation. At the final stage, the plan underwent public consultations.

As a result, the finalised document was delivered on December 16, 2022. Subsequently, the process of adopting the plan by municipal councils of the individual LMA partners began and lasted until mid-2023. The document was also approved by the Lublin Metropolitan Area Association, which is responsible for overseeing the proper development of sustainable mobility in the area. This involves monitoring the implementation of the SUMP LMA by each signatory and tracking progress on operational objectives and outcome indicators.

Individual LMA local government units will be responsible for implementing their respective actions to fulfill the provisions of the SUMP LMA and will report these activities to the LMA Association. The final monitoring cycle is scheduled for 2031.

Monitoring reports:

2023 PL version – Download

